What is this package about?

Excessive discharge of a white, sticky, foul-smelling material from the vagina is called Leucorrhoea. This common problem may occur due to unhygienic conditions, infection of the genital tract or impaired immune function. In Ayurveda. Leucorrhoea is known as Shveta Pradar where Shveta means 'white' and Pradar means 'discharge'.

Leucorrhoea is very serious problem don't waste your time because of shame it can make you very week we are able to get out you from that problem.

What are the related problems covered by the package?

  • Leucorrhoea
  • Swollen vagina
  • Itching vagina
  • -treatmental medicines provided

What is the procedure of treatment followed by the package?

  • Asking the patient about the symptoms experienced
  • Diagnosing the root cause of the problem
  • medicines will be all herbal.
  • Treatment will be offered for 30 days

Anticipated outcomes:

  • Controlled symptoms